We woke up very early and after drinking our coffee and taking breakfast we went to explore the surroundings. The cold air of the morning gave us so much energy so we left through the mountain roads to the highest point. There are so many places and landscapes to take pictures of. The weather is beautiful and the sun encourages us to leave the cars an continue walking.
What can I say? A great day but…but after hours spent in the mountains and forests we were so hungry so we decided to go back to the lodge. There the cooking fire was already set and our host prepared a snack with tomatoes and cheese for us until the grill was ready. The tomatoes come from the villager’s gardens of the nearby village Rupea and the cheese is directly from the top of the mountain from the sheepfold. What surprised me the most is that our tourists have appreciated so much the taste of our tomatoes, telling us how they have not ate such a tasty vegetable for a long time. I am very proud that we still manage to cultivate very tasty vegetables and fruits and keep well the recipes of our traditional cuisine. The grill made directly on woodfire lures us. What I forgot to mention is that before the snack we drank a shot of romanian traditional plum brandy called “palinca” that we all know it makes the hunger even bigger.
So, from the point of view of our traditional home made dishes, the taste of vegetables and the wine obtained by traditional methods, I am absolutely sure we have one of the biggest advantages over other countries. It is worthwhile to mention how you feel when you walk around in the village after having a good meal and you can pick an apple straight from the tree. Until you do taste all this, you will not understand how important they are for us.